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Prevalent role of homologous recombination in the repair of specific double-strand breaks in Rhizobium etli

Yáñez-Cuna, Fares Osam, Diana Aguilar-Gómez, Araceli Dávalos, and David Romero Frontiers in Microbiology 2024. PDF


Genetic basis of aposematic coloration in a mimetic radiation of poison frogs

Linderoth, Tyler , Diana Aguilar-Gómez, Emily White, Evan Twomey, Adam Stuckert, Ke Bi, Amy Ko, Natalie Graham, Joana L. Rocha, Jason Chang, Matthew D. MacManes, Kyle Summers, Rasmus Nielsen bioRXiv 2023. PDF


Solarte Oophaga pumilio Population genomics of variegated toad-headed lizard Phrynocephalus versicolor and its adaptation to the colorful sand of the Gobi Desert

Aguilar-Gómez,Diana *, Yuanting Jin *, Débora Y. C. Brandt, Tyler A. Square, Jiasheng Li, Zhengxia Liu, Gang Shao, Tao Wang, Peter H. Sudmant, Craig T. Miller and Rasmus Nielsen. Genome Biology and Evolution 2022. PDF

*co-first authors

image by Philippa Steinberg


Whole-genome sequence analysis unveils different origins of European and Asiatic mouflon and domestication-related genes in sheep.

Chen, Ze-Hui, Ya-Xi Xu, Xing-Long Xie, Dong-Feng Wang, Diana Aguilar-Gómez, Guang-Jian Liu, Xin Li et al. Communications Biology 2021. PDF


Microfluidics for single-cell lineage tracking over time to characterize transmission of phenotypes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Bheda, Poonam, Diana Aguilar-Gómez, Igor Kukhtevich, Johannes Becker, Gilles Charvin, Antonis Kirmizis, and Robert Schneider. STAR protocols 2020. PDF

Single-Cell Tracing Dissects Regulation of Maintenance and Inheritance of Transcriptional Reinduction Memory.

Bheda, Poonam, Diana Aguilar-Gómez, Nils B. Becker, Johannes Becker, Emmanouil Stavrou, Igor Kukhtevich, Thomas Höfer et al. Molecular Cell 2020. PDF

2019 and before

Corytophanids Replaced the Pleurodont XY System with a New Pair of XY Chromosomes

Acosta, Armando, Gabriel Suárez-Varón, Luis A. Rodríguez-Miranda, Andrés Lira-Noriega, Diana Aguilar-Gómez, Mariana Gutiérrez-Mariscal, Oswaldo Hernández-Gallegos, Fausto Méndez-de-la-Cruz, and Diego Cortez. Genome Biology and Evolution 2019. PDF

Effects of substrate color on intraspecific body color variation in the toad-headed lizard, Phrynocephalus versicolor.

Haojie Tong, Jiashen Li, Yubin Wo, Gang Shao, Wei Zhao, Diana Aguilar-Gómez, and Yuanting Jin. Ecology and Evolution 2019. PDF

Male mutation bias is the main force shaping chromosomal substitution rates in monotreme mammals.

Vivian Link, Diana Aguilar-Gómez, Ciro Ramírez-Suástegui, Laurence D. Hurst, and Diego Cortez. Genome biology and evolution 2017. PDF

Histone propionylation is a novel mark of active chromatin

Adam F. Kebede, Anna Nieborak, Lara Zorro Shahidian, Stephanie Legras, Diana Aguilar-Gómez, Florian Richter, Marijke P. Baltissen, Gergo Meszaros, Helena de Fatima Magliarelli, Romeo Ricci, Michiel Vermeulen, Gerhard Mittler and Robert Schneider. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 2017. PDF